Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Web hosting : Window Server or Linux Server

When Time to choose web hosting plan, we face many problems like which hosting plan I choose? which company offer more economical plan? which hosting server need to choose? In this post We are going to discus which web hosting server is better for hosting a website.

1. Server Access

Both Window and Linux server allow to access directly using FTP, but only Linux server can allow to set up telnet or ssh access. Some window server administrator allow to access using telnet.

2. Language

Window and Linux both server allow JavaScript and HTML pages. For server side script like PHP, ASP. Linux is best for PHP while window is best for ASP, actually Microsoft is build window as well as ASP language so synchronization between window server and ASP is better.

3. URL Rewriting / Redirection

For URL rewriting or redirecting, Linux server support .htaccess file while Window server does not support .htaccess file, window server support web.config file for rewriting or redirecting rules. 

Actually I am writing this post to share my experience with you. I have another website, it started one year ago, when it started, it created using all static pages, each time when want to add page, all other pages related to that category need to update, so that was very complicated and boring. That time I am not familiar with php, then I learn php and create dynamic website and use .htacces to create SEO friendly URL, but that time website is hosted on window server and server does not support .htaccess file. So I decided to switch Linux server and now its fine, very fine.

So If you want to use .htaccess with php Linux server is best and want to use ASP then you need to use web.config for URL rewrite for that Window server is best.

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